Our current standard price for available puppies with AKC registration:
$2,500/limited registration
-Select litters may be priced differently-
Due to requests, we offer the option to purchase your puppy for $200 less for those who prefer no warranty.
Please keep in mind that "red" and "white" are just very dark and very light shades of yellow, not separate color genes.
We do not breed dilutes, nor do we support them.
Our puppies are sold with a 28 month written health warranty, which you can read below. Please do not place a deposit before reading this contract thoroughly.
According to the English language:
"a formal assurance, especially in writing, that makes a specified condition or outcome certain."
"a written promise to replace if necessary within a specified period."
The dogs in our breeding program are healthy, high-quality and adhere closely to the AKC breed standard. Our puppies are constantly evaluated, and we can give our opinion and make guesses, but we do not make any promises regarding exactly what a puppy will grow to be. There is absolutely know way to know whether any particular 12 week old puppy is going to be hunting, show, or breeding quality, or that it will never experience a health problem. There are far too many factors beyond our, or anyone's, control.
If you are interested in a dog with more definite show or breeding potential, we will point you towards an adult or mature puppy.
We strongly encourage you to read both of our contract choices before placing a deposit on a puppy.
$2,500/limited registration
-Select litters may be priced differently-
Due to requests, we offer the option to purchase your puppy for $200 less for those who prefer no warranty.
Please keep in mind that "red" and "white" are just very dark and very light shades of yellow, not separate color genes.
We do not breed dilutes, nor do we support them.
Our puppies are sold with a 28 month written health warranty, which you can read below. Please do not place a deposit before reading this contract thoroughly.
According to the English language:
"a formal assurance, especially in writing, that makes a specified condition or outcome certain."
"a written promise to replace if necessary within a specified period."
The dogs in our breeding program are healthy, high-quality and adhere closely to the AKC breed standard. Our puppies are constantly evaluated, and we can give our opinion and make guesses, but we do not make any promises regarding exactly what a puppy will grow to be. There is absolutely know way to know whether any particular 12 week old puppy is going to be hunting, show, or breeding quality, or that it will never experience a health problem. There are far too many factors beyond our, or anyone's, control.
If you are interested in a dog with more definite show or breeding potential, we will point you towards an adult or mature puppy.
We strongly encourage you to read both of our contract choices before placing a deposit on a puppy.
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